Wednesday, September 16, 2015

I find myself in the awkward and surprising position of being an apologist for The View.
I don't watch The View, but I have seen A LOT of hate and anger in my feed about what was said about Miss Colorado on Monday's show.
I have watched both relevant videos, and these are my thoughts:
  • I have no doubt that Miss Colorado is an amazing nurse, and -- her profession being her primary talent -- I love that she wanted to showcase that for America.
  • Wearing scrubs on stage and reciting a story about a guy saying she was a great nurse is not a demonstration of her talents as a nurse. To me, it is akin to wearing a robe for the swimsuit competition and saying, "Every time I wear a bathing suit, people tell me I look way hot." That said, it was a bold move, and I thought it was pretty cool. It was also unusual and surprising.
  • It is the job of the ladies at The View to talk about -- and make fun of -- things that are unusual and surprising.
  • When you are speaking off the cuff, you sometimes use words you wouldn't have chosen had you had time to think it over. Those of us not on TV enjoy the privilege of not being subjected to hundreds of angry "open letters" and occasional death threats every time we misspeak.
  • You can poke fun at something an individual does without making a statement about the group to which that individual belongs. You can think Miss Colorado's monologue about nursing was weird or silly or ridiculous, and it doesn't mean you think all nurses -- or all beauty pageant contestants, or all Coloradans, or all women -- are weird or silly or ridiculous.
  • Nurses are awesome. Only an asshole would intentionally be disrespectful of nurses and their profession.

Anyway, the guy from The League pretended he was a 9/11 survivor. So I think we can move on from this.

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